Emagic A6|2m FAQ

Below you will find a list of common questions I have received. It includes problems encountered when setting up the driver, and possible solutions.

Does your driver work for the A2|6?

No. This is for the A6|2m only. I have written a separate driver for the A2|6 here.

Does your driver work in Snow Leopard?

No. The original EMI driver works in Snow Leopard, so I saw no point. If you have lost your disks try Google. I found the original driver on Google when I was searching for an update myself, before I wrote this. You could try searching for "EmagicA26A62mFirmwareLoader" which is one of the driver files used for Snow Leopard.

Emagic EMI 6|2m appears in the preferences, but the sound doesn't work

If you can see the device in the Preferences Sound panel, my driver is working. How do I know this? The .HEX files you downloaded are the firmware for the device. They do most of the work and are written by EMI, not me. All my driver does is upload the firmware to the device when your computer starts, or when the device is plugged in. So if you can see the device in Preferences then my driver has worked, and your problem is elsewhere.

Try opening the Audio Midi Setup utility (in the Applications > Utilities folder) and choosing 2 ch 16-bit for both input and output. If this works the problem is USB. Basically USB-2 is a pathetically slow interface, and other devices on your USB bus are hogging the limited bandwidth available even when you are not using them. (The other devices are not at fault here, it's how USB was designed. Read up on how USB-2 shares its bandwidth between devices, if you want a better understanding of why this is so). By reducing your audio to 16-bit you are reducing the bandwidth requirements of the A6|2m.

Also try to have the A62m on it's own USB bus. If you have extra USB devices on the same bus, simply removing them won't help. USB-2 devices are allocated bandwidth when they are plugged in. Try remove everything, and then plug just the A62m back in. If this fails try rebooting with only the A62m plugged into it's USB bus.

I have downloaded the files, but the file sizes are different

If the differences is only a small amount, don't worry. There are several different ways of measuring the size of files, and they'll all give slightly different numbers. When I update my driver it may change in size also. But if the size of the .HEX files varies by more than say 10%, you probably have the wrong ones, or didn't download them as instructed. Go back and follow my instructions carefully.

I still can't get it to work

Have you followed the instructions carefully? It's easy to gloss over a step thinking you don't need to do it, or thinking a different method will work also. It might not.

But if you're confident you've done everything correctly, go to terminal and type the following:

ls -al /Library/Application\ Support/JazzMedia/A62M
ls -al /Library/LaunchDaemons
ls -ld /usr/local/b*
ls -l /usr/local/bin/A62M*
sudo launchctl list | grep a62m
ps -ax |grep A62M

The first and last letters in "ls -al" are lower-case L (el). The vertical line before "grep" is not a letter. It is the vertical-bar symbol found below the 'delete' key on many keyboards, on the same key as the back-slash (\). Copy and pasting each line is probably safer than typing them.

Copy and paste the results into an and send them to me, along with a description of what you did, what worked, and what didn't work, etc.