BHP training intranet

This intranet was created for educational purposes. Employees were presented trade practices information, followed by a series of questions to test their comprehension of the information presented.

Following the login page (not shown), employees would be presented with a menu page, summarising the completion status for each employee. Employees may choose to answer only some of the questions presented. All information was logged to a local database, allowing the employees to return to complete the training from where they left-off, at a later date. The completion status is summarised in the menu page, shown below.

Training menu page:

Menu page

Sample question and answer questions are shown below:

Training sample question page:

Sample question

Training sample answer page:

Sample Answer

(Some of the cartoons were animated, not shown in these web-page snapshots.)

By accessing two web pages (not shown), administrators of the training site could download information for every user, containing their answers to questions. This information was then imported into an MS Access database, from which several summary and detailed reports could be automatically drawn, as specified by the client.